March 31st, 2020

5 Tips on Balancing the Work From Home Life With Kids

As many of us find ourselves working from home because of Coronavirus, we also find ourselves having to care for the kids at home too. There’s a difference between a day of fun with your children and homeschooling your children. Luckily, this is a well-worn path, so there are some things you can do to make the experience easier and more enjoyable for yourself and your tikes.

It’s very important to create a timetable for yourself and to stick to it. The sense of order it provides will be appreciated by yourself and your children. If you’re living with someone who can co-parent, have them participate in the creation of the schedule.

And don’t forget about giving your kids a say too!

They’ll appreciate the feeling of freedom.

1. Make a schedule:

It’s very important to create a timetable for yourself and to stick to it. The sense of order it provides will be appreciated by yourself and your children. If you’re living with someone who can co-parent, have them participate in the creation of the schedule. And don’t forget about giving your kids a say too! They’ll appreciate the feeling of freedom.

2. Clear Communication:

Tell your boss and co-workers that you’ll be homeschooling in addition to your regular work duties. That way they know to be accommodating. Also, create a system of non-verbal communication with your kids and anyone parenting with you so that you can communicate in the midst of a teleconference.

3. Plan For Interruptions:

In addition to expecting your kids to make guest appearances during work video calls, make time to give your kids attention. Play games with them, help them with homework, or have video calls with family members or friends. This way you can spend time with your kids while also training them to be patient during your work time because they know fun is on the horizon.

4. Schedule Me Time:

Yes, designate time when and space where you’ll be working so that your kids and co-parent (s) know not to interfere. But also make time for you! You need to relax so that you recuperate enough to adequately handle whatever the day throws your way. It’ll also make waking up early or going to sleep late to catch up on work easier because you’ll know a treat is in your future.

5. Plan Activities That Don’t Require Supervision:

TV shows, video games, puzzles, activity boxes, etc. These are things that can entertain and occupy your kids enough that you can focus on your work. Some people think that strictly educational entertainment is acceptable, but there’s something to be said for fun for fun’s sake. And that’s that it’s fun!